Another mummy dieting journey begins

If you are seeing and reading this blog post then hi..My name is Hélène and I am a serial dieter and a really shit one at that. Yes that pretty much sums up my dieting journey to date.

You may or may not have noticed my absence, probably not! I mean Im just another Mummy dieter trying to loose some 10 plus stone who fell off the bandwagon some 11 months ago and I never managed to jump back on. Unfortunately it’s not the first time, infact it seems to be a common occurrence when it comes to me making any attempt at losing weight, I am the worse serial dieter! But here I am again trying…

For so many years I’ve been trying to loose weight, my god I know I need too for my own health, my own happiness and my own sanity. I am at the heaviest I have ever been. Call it what you want I am overweight, morbidly obese, fat.. I am all of those and I am miserable the way that I am. The thing is I know there is only one person to blame and one person who can change this and I know that person is me. All of the good intentions are there believe me but what I’m seriously lacking in is the will power to see me through.

My dieting journeys always start off so well, week by week I will see the numbers on the scales gradually dropping and I will be so happy, however something will then happen, an obstacle thrown in my way.. last year it was our son being in hospital having surgery. I fell off the wagon, however instead of just dusting myself off and jumping back on I just gave up undoing all of the hard work I have done, that or I just get bored with it all and think f**k it what’s the point!

So many times I have told myself “tomorrow” and it never happens, I just dont seem to have the will power and I need to find it I really do as I cant keep going on the way that I am. I’ve tried so many times and every single time I f**k it up but I dont want to this time. So here I am again trying Slimming World, trying to get my head around many of the changes they have made since my last journey in hope that this time I will manage to stick with it and can loose the weight I so desperately want to.

Wish me luck

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